Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Arriving in Dublin 6/4/12

Travel Log
Arrival in Dublin

            I began to see differences between Ireland and America the second we stepped off the plane. The first thing I noticed were signs.  The exit signs were green and white and the symbol looks like a person jumping out a window.  There were two languages on every sign. One was English and the other we soon found out to be Gaelic. More often than not in America, we see signs in both English and Spanish, so this element of Irish culture was not a new concept to us; it was only the Gaelic language that was unfamiliar.

Proceeding out of the airport we realized that there were actually very few differences between Ireland and home. Our guide, Ida had an accent but besides that she seemed just like anyone you would meet in the states. She had a very sarcastic and grim sense of humor and she asked us just as many questions as we asked her.
After we dropped our luggage off at the hotel we had a short bus tour around Dublin and went to see The Book of Kells at Trinity College. I, myself am not a religious person so the significance was lost on me, but the library inside was incredible. After we toured the exhibit, our jetlag began to catch up with us so we sat out on the lawn in the courtyard and people-watched until it was time to leave. We noticed no significant differences in behaviors. Kids ran and played as their parents watched from a close distance. People talked on the phone and drank their coffee and laid in the grass.
We then took a trip to St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The history and architecture was incredible there. Ida did inform us about the religious conflict in Ireland. There is a vast mix of Protestants and Catholics. She told us that the Irish people have sort of morphed their own religion by combining beliefs/rituals of both.  This is a definite difference from the U.S. because we have so many different religions.

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