Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Activity #9 Value Map

For this activity, I chose to do advertisements by McDonalds. Because this franchise exists in every nation in the world, I knew I would be able to find advertisements for many different nations. Here are two McDonalds commercials, from Ireland and from the United States.

Link to Irish Commercial: 100% Irish Beef
In this commercial, McDonald's is advertising the fact that all of their meat is "home grown" and they know exactly where it all comes from. The techniques used in the advertisement make it so that viewers are not concerned about what is in what they are eating and that it is safe. Also, having the names of the farmers in the advertisements allow for consumers to connect with the product and gain a sort of trust in knowing that McDonald's is producing healthy food and jobs to the Irish community.

Link to US Commercial: McDonalds US Beef-Extended Edition
While the Irish ad for "home grown" focuses more on natural beef and health, the US ad focuses more on how keeping the beef American improves the quality of life and and job market in the US. This is linked back to the families of the farmers and the structure of farm life that is deteriorating in the technological age.

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