Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Activity #7- Monochron/Polychrons

The results are in! I am....(drumroll please)...Moderately Monochronic. I 100% agree with this based on the assessment given in the description of this classification. 

Everything I do in life has an organized approach. I take my organization skills very seriously. I have planners for everything from school work, assignments on my job and even social plans. My finances are kept very organized as well, tracking every dollar I make and spend. I almost believe that I have OCD when it comes to organizing my time and resources. Although I may not be the best at getting things done in advance, I always get them done on time (ie. the assignments for this course in particular) and prioritize accordingly. 

Some would say that I overanalyze my tasks and break them down to a point that my entire life revolves around whatever my priority is at the time. I take the information given to me and take it one step further by researching EVERYTHING, even when it may not be necessary. 

When I am "in the zone" on an assignment, I cannot be bothered by anyone. I do not get distracted by interruptions easily because I tend to concentrate so hard on what I'm doing that nothing else in the world exists. This of course can be altered depending on what the situation is. For example, things such as family dinner or discussions about the work I'm doing can be welcomed during my time, but other social interactions such as phone calls/text messages do not matter while I am doing what I need to be doing. (Of course as I'm writing this, my phone is going off and I am happily ignoring it, perfect example) When I do have to explain things to people I am always very direct and do not leave anything up to implications. This is partially due to my view on the world as "if you want something done right, do it yourself." I feel as though leaving anything up to other people allows for my plans to be altered, so my directions are always direct and logical. 

I feel as though this has been an eye-opening self analysis, which makes me out to be  complete control-freak, but its absolutely the truth, so I am proud to me a Monochron.

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