Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Activity #8 Interbrand.com

The top 10 Brands of 2011 were; Coca-Cola, IBM, Microsoft, Google, GE, McDonalds, Intel, Apple, Disney and HP. I found it interesting that all of these companies are based out of the United States. I also noticed that of the top ten brands, Apple is the only company that had not previously been a top 10 brand in 2012 and Nokia was the only brand that had dropped off the list between 2010 and 2011.

All of these brands, although based out of the United States, all have headquarters/ventures in other nations. All of these are considered international companies, without which they would not be the most powerful. As I spoke about in previous posts (Activity #2-Virtual Visits) Coca-Cola alters its advertising to the lifestyle and culture of each nation, while companies like Apple keep a standard advertisement around the world. McDonald's seems to do a little bit of both, keeping the themes of its ads the same, but delivering the ideas to the applicable audiences in a slightly different manner.

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